Well before we get right down to it prehaps I should mention that today was an exceptional day for smoking (bitter sarcism injected throughout that last statement), if I had not been forced, have already prepared my meat for smoking I would have just thrown in the towel for smoking today, but I had no choice, so I did what you do when you have no choice. Upon rising at 0900 this morning it was rainy and windy, so I thought I would wait tell after noon to smoke my fatty, after all it had already been rolled. Well noon brought around no positive change in the weather so I just did what I had to do, I got the charcoal ready.

I digress so after getting the smoker going in less than ideal smoking weather I popped the fatty on the smoker and let it smoke for 1…2…3…did I mention it was windy…4 hours until the thermometer read 165.

Once it was done I pulled it off, let it rest and then dug in.

All said and done it was worth the effort, my tomato basil fatty has been my first fatty but certainly not my last. It took a chunk of the day to smoke this fatty over charcoal and bits of hickory and cherry but it was worth it. It was a culinary delight and an arterial nightmare.
Disclaimer: While I may rave that this was in fact a delicious meal it would not be right to omit the opinion of my wife, who claims it was good but salty, it was certainly a man meal.